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The transparency of Lauren and her true interest in every woman in the container, is beyond words. She is a true godess in every sense of the word. I am so inspired to continue my journey of self healing, pleasure, to being the sovereign woman I and every single woman desires to become. Lauren leads you on an unparalleled journey that is a honor. With love and endless gratitude, thank you Lauren - Ilene


I've never met anyone so steeped in Goddess/feminine energy. So for anyone looking to embody their feminine and dive deeply into erotic sovereignty, Lauren is a master. Lauren is also a master at attracting desires and transmuting energies. Being in her presence has been very transformative. She inspired me to embody more deeply my high priestess, alchemist, and lover archetypes. I now have so much more clarity for my life and feel renewed in my commitment to continue to grow and expand. Thank you so much Lauren!


Lauren is one of the best Tantra teachers I have ever met. She is grounded, compassionate and practicing what she teaches. Being a balanced Tantra teacher means you aren’t afraid of all that life has to offer from the darkness to the light and she doesn’t shy away from truth. She leads through example and provides a safe environment for people to explore their sexuality. I highly recommend working with her if you want to up level your life - AJ


Lauren Harkness is basically the goddess Aphrodite incarnate. She teaches with so much generosity, and radiates such pure love, that there is no room for shame. No subject is taboo and she uses herself as the vessel, modeling what’s possible for a woman when she steps in to her absolute erotic sovereignty. It feels as though she is bringing back a long lost, buried practice from temple times, when women shared the sexual knowledge and practices with their daughters from a place of power and pride. I am grateful to be alive at this time to learn from her - Elana Bell


Lauren creates such a safe space to explore yourself spiritually, emotionally and sexually. The class has opened my eyes to so much more than I expected - it released emotional blockages and allowed me to grow in ways that I was not expecting. I feel more in tune with my body - processing emotions and feeling pleasure. We learned so many tools that allowed for healing - meditation, self pleasure, yoni egg practice and so much more! I loved learning how to step into my feminine and how to allow my feminine and masculine to intertwine. I can't wait to continue on this new journey of erotic sovereignty! - Veronika Wojakowska

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Tantra Institute

Events Classes and Community to Inspire More Love in This World. We offer classes & workshops, singles & dating events to help both singles and couples have more intimacy, connection, and pleasure. While we are home-based in New York City, we have events monthly in 30+ cities worldwide.

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